The Portal app provides the location of fixed and mobile private lounges for 21 and older users who need to smoke while away from home. Once verified, users can take A Step Away From Reality ™ in their rented private space on-board a Portal lounge. An average Portal experience of 8 minutes is less than $5. It is $1 to Step Away From Reality with a complimentary minute, +.49 Cents/ Additional Minute.

ThePortal Screen


Do your part and take A Step Away From Reality ™ in The Portal. Not only do you benefit from our services, but each smoke break you take with The Portal keeps our environment and community clean from second hand smoke which contains carcinogens.


Clean Air

All smoke that goes through The Portal is filtered for the environment and non-smokers.

Stigma Free

All Portal lounges are tinted and private because non-users have no business in The Portal Experience.

Citation Free

The Portal lounges are operating in smoke friendly zones under state and city regulations. By renting your space on-board, the space is yours to relax and enjoy a smoke break in peace.

No More Second Hand Smoke

No More Second Hand Smoke or Air Pollution

Getting Started

The Portal app is equipped with easy to use in-app features, such as an interactive map and QR codes.

Register via Facebook or SMS code verification

Enable Location Services and Camera (If your camera is broken you can manually enter a code)

Locate a Portal near you on The Portal app home screen. Once found, a Portal concierge will greet you and do an ID check.

Select the Scan to Enter button and then scan the Green QR code located at the entrance of The Portal, as well as with all Portal Staff Members.

If you are 21 or older, have been verified, read the agreements and Agree, then please select the Agree button.

Enjoy The Portal Experience. An on-board timer and rental calculator are viewable in the app while On Board.

Back To Reality

Ready to end your Portal Experience and get Back To Reality?

Simply select the Back to Reality button

User has :29 seconds to scan the Red QR code located at the exit and with all Portal staff members to officially end their experience or the rental continues.

Once the red QR code registers, a rental receipt will be provided with the pricing break down. Pricing is subject to change based on the city and state regulations.

Welcome Back to Reality

Built for everyone 21+

The Portal is launching this Summer 2019 for IOS phones and tablets. In the meantime, Android users are welcome with just an ID, and credit card.

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